
something sweet for you!! wish it was a real one " 2008.10.07
A chocolate cupcake with buttercream icing and chocolate heart from

Hi Shannon,

Thank you sooo much for the cupcake. I also whished that it was a real one, but you never know what the future brings vrolijk; If you arrange the cupcakes, I will take care of the drinks.

Hope all is well with you.


Ps: I like your profile photo (too)

Maybe it is over the top, I took a lot of risk with that message, without even realizing that. But what do I have to loose? Just don’t think about it anymore and let it pass. We still have more than 7000 miles between us. If I am re-reading it, it is way over the top. In my head it was oke, but in real life to really read it… oh boy, why do I press send to quick? Let’s think about it this way: If I don’t hear anything back then it was over the top. If she is responding… no don’t even consider that. That is for later. It was too much. It was meant as a joke but it doesn’t read as a joke. If you see it in the light of a response to the cupcake…she chooses that one!! With a heart on it, for God’s sake. I didn’t even consider that. Never ever. It is strange that she send me that one but not to anyone else. I know now also why she didn’t sent it anonymous.. it is not possible. Maybe I gave some stir, something where she had to think about. Something she didn’t knew yet. I can put that then on my resume 

Mijn spijt dat ik niet ben mee gegaan is niet minder geworden. Had nog contact met mijn crush die ik allemaal dubbelzinnige mailtjes stuurde waar ze ook braaf op reageerde. Maar de laatste 3 weken liet ik haar met rust, het begon minder te worden. En toen gisteren ineens een cupcakeje met een hartje er in verwerkt. Ik was echt compleet verbijsterd. Wat nu (nou ja zie mjin reactie eerder)?? Gewoon afwachten maar... zucht...waarom is de liefde zo complicated??
08 okt 2008 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van relaxkid
relaxkid, vrouw, 40 jaar
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