7 laws of noah

Do not deny God
Do not blaspheme God
Do not murder
Do not engage in incestuous, adulterous or homosexual relationships
Do not steal
Do not eat of a live animal
Establish courts

i can not adhere to the law
because the language is unclear

if god is to be defined how is the definition ?
when we take the talmud we know that there are two interpretations
the one god also described in the tora and or old testament
but there is also an explanation of the whole !
but if that is the case then Brahma and buhda nature would confer with it.
there is a fine line unwritten, undrawn because of Believes.
this makes rule number one and two pretty much impossible to follow.

do not murder,
how can it be that one can not murder ?
how would you define this ?
i voted for war but did not fight, does that make me a murderer ?
or am i clean for sending my brothers to fight on my behalf ?

if we are all children of god, how can we not be incestuous ?

if i allow and condone taxes, how is that not stealing ?

when i ride my bike or walk in summer near the lake i can not prevent eating flies and bugs flying in my mouth
unwillingly i eat them alive

how can i establish courts without stealing the freedom of others ?

so god, if you read this, tell me how,
because you made it impossible for any one in this world now to get to heaven !
08 feb 2015 - meld ongepast verhaal
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