We used to be

For some reason I seem to relapse in my sadness and grief. I dreamed of her again. Even though we parted ways in a bad way, she was in my dream smiling. We held hands. Even something as seemingly insignificant as holding hands made me happy. I was happy.

Then I woke up. In this godforsaken world. Everything feels numb. My dreams, my friends. What I am doing, what I'm feeling. Untill the moments I think of her again. Then I cry. And every aching part of me couldn't feel much more alive. It's the only time I feel alive. And dead at the same time.

I miss you Kovacheva. I miss you so much.

photo of her and me:

31 okt 2014 - bewerkt op 31 okt 2014 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Ferdinando, man, 36 jaar
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