Love vs friendship

The whole concept of remembering the Self (see previous post) also explains for me the difference between love and friendship. When using the laws of Self and physics together, I appreciate friendship as 2 bodies finding mutual interest in the physical laws. More specifically, friendship is having found relatedness to the physical laws in an equal mutual way. It is feeling connected because of mutual values of the means in the physical world. And because its existence comes forth out of the physical laws, it is also easily described with words: words are a way of expressing bound by physical constraints.

Love on the other hand.. that is something outside of the physical world. A memory. It is everything together at the same moment. This is why love has no words and friendship does. Love / remembering is that anti-matter you are drawn into because the expression of the Self in the physical world is being remembered. But because we are subjected by the physical laws, this complexity of love cannot be handled for a long time. It is unstable. Since physical laws makes it existence unstable, subsequent laws restrict its degrees of freedom in order to make it better handled. The fact that we try to control it, also is the effect of the physical laws. When we restrict it, it becomes an upgraded version of friendship. An upgraded mutual relatedness. It is love caged. And a lion caged is not the same as a lion in nature.

Because of this concept, I discard the notion that true love may be for a lifetime. I do believe true friendship to be for a lifetime. Nevertheless, I try to be optimistic. I do hope that there may be 2 bodies who use physical means to express the Self in order to remember each other what the Self was like and holding on to remembering this divine anti-matter. I hope that these two bodies are not subjected to the physical laws in such a way that they are unable to experience love, to remember.

However, t I understand if people are unable to grasp love, to remember for a long period. I understand why people choose to restrict its complexity to make it easier to handle. I understand why people choose to downgrade it into physical friendship: because the physical laws apply to the Self as well.

But I just can't accept it.

We are so much more than our physical expressions.
03 dec 2014 - bewerkt op 03 dec 2014 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Ferdinando, man, 36 jaar
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