Lange lijst..

:: Do You ::

:x: wish you could live somewhere else: yeah, hawaii, Tenerife.. close to Y-O-U
:x: think about suicide: No, haven't thought about it in years actually.
:x: believe in online dating: No, not really.
:x: think others find you attractive: I believe that my features can be attractive for others, yes
:x: want more piercings: None
:x: like cleaning: with a good hangover, cleaning is the best remedy.
:x: like roller coasters: hell yeah!
:x: write in cursive or print: In print.

:: For or Against ::

:x: long distant relationships: against.. but that all depends on the crush.
:x: killing people: against!
:x: teenage smoking: against.
:x: driving drunk: against!!!
:x: gay/lesbian relationships: all for that!
:x: soap operas: against.. except those Spanish ones vrolijk

:: Have You ::

:x: ever cried over a girl/boy: couple of times, yes.
:x: ever been in a fist fight: nope
:x: ever been arrested: no!
:x: ever had a friend die: yes, my father..
:x: ever dated a cousin: ehm, no!
:x: ever used a gun: no!!
:x: ever french kissed: hell yeah OK!
:x: ever finished a puzzle: Well yes.
:x: ever got surgery: not yet (knocks on wood)
:x: ever got beat up: nope!
:x: ever hated someone: of course!
:x: ever made a huge mistake: yes.
:x: ever tried any drugs: ghehe yeah..
:x: ever jogged a mile: Pff, yeah way back when I was all sporty and stuff!
:x: ever played with someone's feelings: yeah, still do tragically..
:x: ever had feelings for someone younger than you: .. as we speak..

:: What ::

:x: shoes do you wear: at the moment my Minnetonka's.
:x: are you scared of: dying alone.. Oeh and bugs...
:x: do you sleep in: Nekked, in bed tho.
:x: did you eat for lunch: a sandwich
:x: is love: the greatest feeling there is. Love is being blown away just to see your face again.. Love is what I'm feeling.. Love is... addictive.

:: Number ::

:x: of times I have had my heart broken?: three times now..
:x: of hearts I have broken?: also three I think.
:x: of girls I have kissed?: none..
:x: of boys I have kissed?: Pff, lost count actually... blozen
:x: of guys/girls you've rejected?: Pff a lot..
:x: of drugs you taken: Three: nicotine, alcohol and weed once in a while..
:x: of accidents you been in: none yet (knocks on wood once more)
:x: of people you lean on?: ten of whome I'm sure, but there can always be someone who surprises me just by being there...
:x: of people you broke up with?: Four.

:: Are You ::

:x: pretty: I can be..
:x: funny: thihi, I hope so. I laught my ass off about myself all the time!
:x: hot: I believe I can be.
:x: friendly: I you deserve it.
:x: ugly: probably in the morning knipoog
:x: loveable: can be, that all depends on the person. I think I'm easy to care for vrolijk
:x: caring: most of the times, yes.
:x: dorky: ghhehe hell yeah!
:x: girly: sometimes, love to see chickflicks, dress up and make up before I go out with a glass of wine and disco music, scream when I see an insect and get really scared while watching a real scary movie.
:x: boyish: yeah, most of the times I'm just one of the guys. But then the spoiled one knipoog
:x: smart: smart enough!
:x: pimp: don't exactly know what that means, actually...
:x: angel: NO..
:x: gangster: Eeeuh, don't think so.

:: Favorite ::

:x: FOUR letter word: 'Love'
:x: comedian: Eddie Murphy
:x: candy: Chocolate
:x: cartoon: Family Guy
:x: cereal: none...
:x: chewing gum: Sportlife
:x: day of week: Friday
:x: least fave day: mondays
:x: jello flavor: euuuuh none?

:: Last Person Who/That ::

:x: you slept with: B... *sigh*
:x: saw you cry: Niels
:x: made you cry: the memory of my dad
:x: you went to the movies with: Roymond
:x: yelled at you: pff, nobody yells at me... don't remember..
:x: sent you an email: Becks

:: Have You Ever ::

:x: said "I love you" and meant it?: yes.
:x: gone out in public in your pajamas?: thihi yes, just to get some shoarma..
:x: kept a secret from everyone?: yes.. I have a lot of secrets within me..
:x: cried during a movie?: Oh my, yes.
:x: ever at anytime owned new kids on the block?: no...
:x: planned your week based on a TV guide?: Nope
:x: been on stage?: many, many times.
:x: been to New York?: NOT YET!!! erg vrolijk
:x: been to Florida?: NOT YET EITHER!!!
:x: China?: Nope
:x: Canada?: oh my no
:x: Europe?: Durrrr

:: This or That ::

:x: apples or bananas?: apples
:x: blue or red?: blue
:x: walmart or target?: no idea..
:x: spring or fall?: fall
:x: summer/winter: SUMMER!
:x: trampoline or swimming pool: swimming pool!

:: Last ::

:x: noise you heard?: a plane flying over..
:x: smell you sniffed?: my armpits.. (charming huh)
:x: time you went out of state/province?: five days ago..
:x: car ride: monday.
:x: talked to: In person: Roymond, On the phone: B..., Online: Becks.
:x: thought of: B... verdrietig
:x: showered: this morning.
:x: cut your nails: yesterday
:x: did laundry: a week ago
:x: hugged a tree: never actually..
:x: watched anime: last week?
:x: prayed: yesterday
:x: bought: two pizza's and a juice.
:x: wore: Replay jeans, minnetonka's and a plain white shirt.
:x: ate: two sandwiches this morning.
:x: drank: juice.
:x: yelled at: I don't yell at people.
:x: took a picture of: my mum's cat!

:: Friendship/Love ::

:x: do you believe in love at first sight?: yes!
:x: do you want children one day and if so, how many?: one or two, someday..
:x: most important thing to you in a friendship is?: Being there for one another and accepting ones flaws and all!

:: Random ::

:x: criminal record?: nope
:x: do you speak any other languages?: English, a little bit of French and Italian.
:x: name some of your favorite things in your bedroom: My table and bed.
:x: worst feeling in the world?: Heartache..

:: Your ::

:x: nickname(s): Snothond, San, Sannin or Sannin-hime.
:x: how old do you look?: pff, a month ago someone said 38 (!) and some say 28... verward
:x: how old do you act?: Depends on the situation. Most of the times I act as if I'm 18..
:x: glasses/contacts?: Only when I feel like it..
:x: braces: Nope
:x: do you have any pets?: Sadly, no..
:x: you get embarrassed?: Not much, I have no shame at all..
27 aug 2009 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van FiGa2003
FiGa2003, vrouw, 39 jaar
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