Nog zo'n lijstje.

Have you ever?

1. Skipped class?
2. Done drugs?
Only the soft ones.
3. Self harmed?
4. Drank?
5. Shoplifted?
When I was a teenager.
6. Gotten a tattoo?
7. Broken up with someone?
Who hasn't?

What's your favourite?
8. Show
9. Movie
At the moment? The life aquatic of Steve Zisou.
10. Song
Flash and the pan - midnight man.
11. Memory
Laughing with Y-O-U and feeling that vibe..
12. Book
Fear nothing - Dean Koontz
13. Place
The couch.
14. Subject
Bringing up memories.

This or that?
15. invincibility or ability to fly?
Definitly the ability to fly!
16. Cookies or cake?
17. Twitter or facebook?
18. Movies or books?
19. Coke or sprite?
20. Blind or deaf?
21. Tea or coffee?
Coffee, as dark as possible.

What's your?
22. Age?
23. Sign?
24. Height?
25. Sexual orientation?
26. Shoe size?
27. Religion?
28. Longest relationship?
7 years and still counting.

Opinion on?
Gay rights?
Every one should have the right to choose the partner they want. I don't give a crap if that other half is male of female, as long as they're happy. I also believe that people would be a lot happier if they had that choice! You can't change what you are, no matter what society says.
Second chances?
Also a right! I believe in the good of mankind, second chances is a part of that.
Long distance relationship?
Doable, but such a drag!
Once again, a choic everyone aught to have! No one should take that choice away from them! I think it's better to abort a child than to give the child a life it doesn't deserve!
The death penalty?
Rediculous. It's better to stay locked and think over and over what someone has done, than to get away with it with a quick death. And besides that; who are we to take a life unpunished, just because the law says it can.
Fine with me. As long as it doesn't infect your life, but it's the same story with everything in life!
When you find that love of your life, it's the best thing that can happen to you! But living with a love you can't have is the worst torture to go through.

Do you?
Believe in ghosts?
Shower facing the shower head?
Only when I'm not grabbing the soap or shampoo.
Sleep with the door closed?
Most of the times, yes.
Love someone?
Still watch cartoons?
Of course!
25 jun 2013 - meld ongepast verhaal
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FiGa2003, vrouw, 39 jaar
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