36735/349The Austrian-Hungarian army held a strong

The Italians hurled themselves
against it in 11 gory battles, gaining a few kilometres at most
and never securing a breakthrough! In the first battle they lost 15,000 men?
In the second battle they lost 40,000 men & in the third battle they lost 60,000 men!
So it continued for more than 2 dreadful years until the eleventh engagement; then the Austrians
finally counter-attacked, & in the twelfth battle, better known as the Battle of Caporreto, they soundly
defeated the Italians & pushed them back almost to the gates of Venice! This Glorious Adventure becáme
A BLOODBATH! By the end of the war almost 700,000 Italian soldiers were killed & more than a million were
wounded?!! After losing this first ISONZO battle Italian politicians had two choices. They could have admitted
their mistake and offered to sign a peace treaty. A-H had no claims against Italy and would have been truly
delighted to make peace because it was busy fighting for its survival against the much stronger Russians!!
Yet how could the politicians go to the parents, wives & children of 15,000 dead Italian soldiers & tell thèm:
‘Sorry, there has been a mistake. We hope you won’t take it too hard, but your Giovanni died in vain, and só
did your Marco!’ Alternatively they could say: ‘Giovanni and Marco were heroes! They died so that Trieste
would be Italian, and we will make sure they didn’t die in vain. We will go on fighting until victory is ours!’
Was the sacrifice of countless victims totally in vain? Not surprisingly, the politicians preferred their second
opinion: so they fought a second battle, & lost another 40,000 men for nothing! The politicians again decided
it would be best to keep on fighting, because ‘our Boys didn’t die in vain’! These thuggish things seem to be
going on still every day & night all the time everywhere: Vadertje Staat spoort Moeder de Vrouw aan
& begs Ùs Ónly tó Vóte fòr Thèm a la Vlad Poetin, Recip Erdogan, dj Trump, Idi Amin, Ayatollahs,
grootmogoels Kim Oens, Pingpings & Ali Bombali Cyancali Saoedi de Kale
compleet met hoofddoekjes, soepjurken,
apneusnurkers, staaroperaties &
veel gifgassen

13 dec 2019 - bewerkt op 15 dec 2019 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Asih, man, 79 jaar
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