35916¥275If I believe in "G d" at all, it is MY...


to believe!
Ìf my inner
sèlf tells me to
believe! I believe because I FÉÉL
G d's presence, and my heart tèlls me
(S)He ìs there? But if I no longer feel G d's presence,
and if my heart suddenly tells me that there is no God -
I will cease believing. Either way, the real source of authority is beginning in my own feelings.
So even while saying that I believe in G d, the truth ìs that I have a much stronger belief in my own inner
voice. To reach Oz I follow the Yellow Brick Road! Like every other source of authority, also feelings do have
théir shortcomings? Humanism assumes that each human had a single authentic inner self, but when I try to
attend to it I often encounter either silence òr a cacophony of contending voices! To overcome this problem
humanism has proclaimed not only a new source of authority, but also a new method for accessing that
authority & gaining trúe knowledge. In medieval Europe, the chief formula for knowledge was:
The formula takes a multiplication symbol because the elements work
one on the other. At least according to medieval scholastics, you cannot understand the Bible without
If your logic value is zero, then even if you read every page of the Bible, the sum of your know-
ledge would still be zero. Conversely, if your scripture value is zero, then no amount of logic can
help you. If the formula used the addition symbol, the implication would be that somebody
with lots of logic and no scriptures would still have a lot of knowledge - which you & I
may find reasonable, but medieval scholastics did not. If people wanted
to know the answer to an important question,

they would read the scriptures, and use
their logic to understand
the exact meaning
of the

15 sep 2019 - bewerkt op 18 sep 2019 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Asih, man, 79 jaar
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