34843Y156 only 30 years ago: seems like yesterday!

OVER THESE PREVIOUS MONTHS THE 'godlike' USSR had withdrawn its support from the Eastern Communist Regimes, the Berlin WALL had fallen, & Revolutions had swept Poland, East Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria & Czechoslovakia! Ceausescu, who had ruled Romania since 1965, believed he could withstand the tsunami, even though riots against his sick rule had erupted in the Romanian city of Timisoara on December 17 {'89}! As one of his counter-measures, Ceausescu arranged a massive rally in Bucharest to prove to the Romanians & the rest of the world that the majority of the populace still loved him - or at least feared him, his wild bears & so on & on?!
The Creaking Party Apparatus mobilised 80,000 people to fill the City's Central Square, & citizens throughout Romania were instructed to stop all their activities and tune in on their radios and televisions!? To the cheering of the Seemingly Enthusiastic Crowd, Ceausescu mounted the balcony overlooking The Square, as he had done scores of times in previous decades! Flanked by his wife Dr. ELENA, his leading Party Officials & a Bevy Of Bodyguards, Old Saint Nicolae began delivering one of his long trademark dreary speeches. For eight
minutes he praised again the glories of Romanian Socalled Socialism Special, looking very pleased with himself as the crowd clapped mechanically! AND THEN SOMETHING WENT WRONG? You can see it for yourself now on Your Own YouTubeChannel?! Just search for
"Ceausescu's Last Speech", & watch history in action à la Putin/Trump/Duterte! The YouTubeClip shows Nicolae Ceausescu starting just another long sentence, saying, "I WANT TO THANK THE INITIATORS AND ORGANISERS OF THIS GREAT EVENT IN BUCHAREST, CON SIDERING IT AS A___", and then he falls silent, his eyes open wide, and he freezes in disbelief?! He never finished the sentence... You can see in thàt Split Second hòw an entire world collapses!??! Somebody in the audience booed. People still argue today whó wàs that FÌRST person who dared to BOO?! And Thèn Another Person booed, & anòther, & anòther, and within a few seconds the masses began whistling, shouting abuse & calling out "TI-MI-SOA-RA! TIMISOARA!" As all of this happened LÍVE on Romanian TV, as three-quarters of the populace sàt glued to the screens, their hearts throbbing wildly! The notorious SECRET POLICE - the SECURITATE - immediately did order this broadcast to be stopped, but the tv-crews disobeyed; the cameraman pointed the camera towards the sky so that viewers couldn't see the panic among the party leaders on the Balcony, but the soundman kept recording, & the technicians continued trans-missioning; the whole of Romania heard that crowd booing, while NC yelled, 'Hello! Hello! Hello!' as if the problem was with the micro-phone? His Wife ELENA began scolding The Audience, 'Be Quiet! Be Quiet!' until NICE turned & yelled At Hèr - still live on tv - 'Yóu be quiet!' NC then appealed to the excited crowds in the square, imploring them, 'Comrades! Comrades! Be Quiet, Comrades!' --------___

14 jun 2019 - bewerkt op 17 jun 2019 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Asih, man, 79 jaar
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