29308ynhhdbht1: the New Human Agenda @ the dawn of


ACROSS ITS MIND. 'There was something with barbed wire,
and huge mushroom clouds? Oh well, it was just a bad dream!'

Going to the bathroom, humanity washes its face, examines its wrinkles in the mirror,
makes a cup of coffee and opens the diary. 'Let's see what's on the agenda today?!' For thousands
of years the answer to this question remained unchanged. The same three problems preoccupied the people
of 20th-century China, of medieval India & of ancient Aegypt!? Famine, plague & war were always @ the tòp of the lìst.
For generation after generation humans have prayed to every god, angel & saint, & have invented countless tools, institutions & social systems - but they continued to day in their millions from starvation, epidemics & violence. Many thinkers & prophets concluded that
famine, plague & war must be an integral part of G d's "Cosmic Plan" or of our imperfect nature, and nothing short of the end of
time would free us from them?! Yèt @ the dawn of the third millennium, humanity wakes up to an amazing realisation? Móst
people rarely think about it, but in the last few decades we have managed to rein in famine, plague ànd wàr! Of course,
these problems have not yet been completely solved, but they have been transformed from I comprehension and ùn-
controllable forces of nature into manageable challenges? We don't need to pray to any god or saint to rescue us
from them! We know quite well what needs to e done in order to prevent famine, plague & war - ànd we do
usually succeed in doing ìt. True, there are still notable failures; but when faced with such failures we
now no longer shrug our shoulders & say, 'Well, that's the way things work in our imperfect world'
or 'G d's wìll be dòne'. Rather, when famine, plague or war break out of our control, we feel that
somebody mùst have screwed up, we set up a commission of inquiry, & promise ourselves
that next time we'll dó bètter. Ànd ìt actually wòrks. Sùch calamities indeed hàppen
lèss ànd lèss òften. That's the way our cookies crumble: moederliefde, thuis, kerk,
school, werk, lees & schrijf? Leren, onderzoeken, geloven, aannemen,
veronderstellen & doorvertellen. Huis, tuin, keuken, kamers,
kelder, zolder, dak, buren, familie, vrienden, toeval.
Je beplakt je muren met de plaatjes die je
tegenkomt onderweg & gaat weer op pad
tussen bomen, struiken, bloemen,
water, zand, hei
& wei
21 sep 2017 - bewerkt op 24 sep 2017 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van Asih
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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