28112/13 Purim: the Feast of Esther 14 Adar Fe/Ma:


Originally the Story of this Festival
May be found in the Book of Esther in the Bible:
It shows how Queen Esther (Chadassa) saved the Jews of Persia
From total Destruction which the Wicked HAMAN plotted to bring upon them?!

Ceremonial Observance: it is observed as a very Joyful Festival with parties, many
Presents to the poor, games, fancy-dress parades, etceterara! In modern Israel this day
Is given over to processions and a Carnival Spirit! Many people like to eat special triangular cakes
{HOMONTASCHEN}!? It is naturally customary to tear the Book of Esther on this Freedom Festival!

N.B. SOME liberal Jews ignore this festival because they doubt it's authenticity, and because elements
of "revenge" which enter the story are not really in accord with the highest teachings of Our Religion!?

However, despite these objections other Liberal Jews would observe it because: even ìf ìt ìs nòt literally true
It does represent true historical situations of anti-Semitic prejudice threatening to destroy the Jew, and the consequent
Survival of the Jew after this would-be persecutor has come to a tragic end! We should therefore of course,condemn any
Cruel revengeful acts carried out by our people & learn to profit by their mistakes! Modern significance thus still is:
that all Those who spread hatred are, in the end, destroyed! That however strong the anti-Semitic forces
appear to ranged against Him, salvation will arise for the Jew if he clings sincerely
to his Faith. That how Mòr felt in the sixties @ "BENELUX", France,
Schweiz, Italia, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Urdun, Beirut, Cyprus,
Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nippon & the old ussr:
not Wanting to learn how to shoot enemy people
on command, restricted, imprisoned,
beaten, bullied, butchered,
brandished &
23 mei 2017 - bewerkt op 24 mei 2017 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Asih, man, 79 jaar
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