33859Y21345 Hocus Pocus ÈN De Geloofsindustrietjes

ABACADABRA SIMSALABIM IEWIEWAAIWEG HUSSEMETJENEUSERTUSSEN LIPSTICK MAKE-UP MODEINDUSTRIE AMMEHOELA? De verhalen die ons leven zin geven en ons onze identiteit verschaffen, zijn allemaal fictief, maar de mensen moeten er toch in geloven! Hoe kleed je het dan zó ìn dàt het verhaal op z'n minst ècht aanvoelt? Reli-Top-Hit: THUS THE ESSENE WRITINGS ARE FULL OF THE UTMOST BITTER ATTACKS UPON THE PARTY OF THE PHARISEES? Pharisees were described as "slippery exegetes," their actions were hypocrisy, & by means of "their deceitful doctrine, lying tongues & false lips" they were able to lead almost the whole people astray! In all of this, "they closed up the fountain of knowledge to the thirsty and gave them vinegar with which to quench their thirst." This reminds us of Jesus' words. "Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge; you did not enter yourselves, and you hindered those who were entering" {Luke 11:52; Matt. 23:13}. Nevertheless, the gap between the ESSENE attack upon the Pharisees and Jesus' criticism of them is great! The Essenes sharply rejected the doctrine of the Pharisees, whereas Jesus said, "The scribes and Pharisees sit on Moses' seat; so practice & observe whatever they tell you, but not what they do; for they preach, but do not practice" {Matt 23:2/3}... In the Pharisees, Jesus saw the contemporary heirs of Moses, & said that men should model their lives upon their teaching. This makes sense, for although Jesus was apparently indirectly influenced by Essenism, he was basically rooted in universal non-sectarian Judaism! The philosophy and practice of this Judaism was that of the Pharisees. It would not be wrong to describe Jesus as a Pharisee in a broad sense? However, even if his criticism of the Pharisees was not as hostile as that of the Essenes, nor as contradictory as that of the contemporaneous writing we have cited, he did view the Pharisees as an outsider, and did not identify himself with them. We still have to discuss the inevitable tension between the charismatic Jesus and institutional Judaism. Neither dare we forget that the revolutionary element in his preaching of the kingdom heightened this tension. It will become evident also that the authentic teaching of Jesus questioned the very foundations of the social structure. Nonetheless, we should bear in mind that this tension never implied negation, nor were the views of Jesus and the Pharisees contrary or ever degenerated into enmity. Kortom, een typisch menselijke situatie vol met tegenstrijdigheden, misverstanden, belangenverstrengelingen & economistisch heidendom 'in power'.
10 feb 2019 - bewerkt op 14 feb 2019 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Asih, man, 79 jaar
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