2926678 on the island of Java, in Indonesia, lived

'Man from the Solo Valley', who was perfectly suited to life in the tropics?
On another Indonesian island - the small isle of Flores - archaic humans underwent
a process of dwarfing. Humans first reached Flores when the sea level was exceptionally low,
and also this island was still easily accessible from the mainland!
When the seas rose again,
some people were trapped on the island, which was poor in resources. BIG PEOPLE,
who need a lot of food, died first. Smaller fellows survived much better.
Over the generations, the people of Flores became dwarves.
This unique species, known by scientists as Homo floresiensis
reached a maximum height of only one metre & weighed no more than 25 kilograms.
They were nevertheless able to produce stone tools, and even managed occasionally to hunt down
some of the island's elephants - though, to be fair, these elephants were a dwarf species as well!
Our earliest siblings, according to scientific speculations also were named Homo rudolfensis in East Africa,
Homo erectus in East Asia & Homo neanderthalensis in Europe and Western Asia: all are humans.
In 2010 another lost sibling was rescued from total oblivion, when scientists excavating
the Denisova CAVE in Siberia discovered a fossilized finger bone? Genetic analysis proved
that this finger belonged to a previously unknown human species, which was named Homo denisova;
who knows how many relatives of ours are still waiting to be discovered
in other caves, on other islands, & in other climes?
Anyway, lots of wonderful & 'strange' genetic variations still to be found here
& there from very tiny to giants, fat & skinny, tall
& short, black, brown, yellow, red, blue,
white, naked, furry, curly, straight,
clever, stupid, ugly &
17 sep 2017 - bewerkt op 19 sep 2017 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Asih, man, 79 jaar
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