28082/9 ceremonial orthodox observance lasts for 8

(i.e. candles & KIDDUSH ìn the Home,
"NO WORK", Synagogal Services, etc., cf. SHABBATH)! A "SEDER"
is held in the home of the first & second evenings! Orthodox Jews do observe
an extra day for this and most other festivals due to an original doubt about the date
of the 'new moon' which gradually developed into a tradition even though the doubt had been resolved?
Throughout this Passover period no "leaven/yeast" is supposed to be consumed or touched either directly or
indirectly! Thus, all crockery & cutlery must be used only for the Passover period, and only foodstuffs "Kosher for Passover"
(i.e. satisfying Ecclesiastical Authorities that are free from any contact with 'leaven'knipoog may be used!
For Liberals it lasts 7 days, with first & last days being observed as Full FESTIVALDAYS!
Throughout this period most Liberal Jews abstain from eating ordinary bread and
substitute unleavened bread or MATZA/Matsot, but they normally do not feel
the need to chance crockery/cutlery, etc. The Pesachcandles are lit in their
Home on the first evening & the last evening & the Shabbathblessing may
be used with one slight alteration - replace the last word SHABBATH
with YOM-TOV (festival)! A Seder is held in the home
on the first evening, & often a Congregational
Seder is held @ the Synagogue for
those who, for various reasons,
are not able to
hold one in
their own
20 mei 2017 - bewerkt op 22 mei 2017 - meld ongepast verhaal
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