28074/6 THE main jewish festivals start of course

DAY: THE sabbath(shabbat) ~
start @ sunset whereas liberal Jews would start as soon as the united family are assembled in home?

NB. EVENINGBEGINNING IS DUE TO ANCIENT CUSTOM cf. Genesis I "and it was evening and it was morning, one day" etc.

Also great lunar influence on Jewish cal-enderyear; it basically enables us to welcome "g d's restingday" the sabbath in our house & homes: all is well that ends well! Jews like to observe this Shabbat on SATURDAY because it was the seventh day; Christians changed it to Sunday (the first day of the week) in order to commemorate the third day Yehoshua is alleged to have risen from his death tomb?!

Biblical origin: Genesis 2 & the Fourth of the Ten Commandents. Present significance symbolises the DAY OF REST, PEACE & JOY - it should emphasise to man that as a spiritual Living being he should not, as any old machine go on working without rest, but that we should voluntarily resist the usual pressures of the material world & ENJOY our weekly "HOLY DAY" of spiritual refreshment, comfort & enlightenment.

People have different peaceful & healing/restful interpretations: 'orthodox' ~ no creative work of any sort & nothing associated with it however remote e.g. Close One's Business; abstain from work in office, factoren, school, shop AND SO on; no spending, carrying or touching of money; to fire etc. to be kindled (including gas, electricity, matches etc.); no public or private transport to be used; no writing, tearing, gardening, etc.; Those Rabbis drew up 39 major categories of "WORK" which were prohibited to Orthodox Jews, ànd mány other sub-categories of 'work' which were added to the lists?

In fact, {for 'orthodox'} one may eat, drink, sleep, talk, read & walk, but do very little else! The 'Liberal' interpretation: no dogmatic rules except the principle of joyful & peaceful rest coupled with a change from the normal routine of weekly obligations & choices ......

One should abstain from all unnecessary work & from anything that might be transferred to some other day of the week! Riding to the Synagogue in private or public transport is not only permitted but encouraged ìf ìt wìll add to the restful SPIRIT of the Shabbath rather than walk & become tired & consequently unable to concentrate fully upon prayer & preaching?

Similarly electricity & gas would be used since this would assist the sabbath-atmosphere to sit together in a pleasant warm & light living room?! Ceremonially: light two sabbath-candles in "home @ commencement of the sabbath" day; this is often done by the woman of the house, although it is not specially her 'monopoly' say out loud either the traditional blessing or some spontaneous prayer from the heart.

Choice, freedom, comfort & company ......
19 mei 2017 - bewerkt op 21 mei 2017 - meld ongepast verhaal
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