28135/4 PM's Age of Anger: As The Futurist Mani-

produced by
D'Annunzio's admirer
the poet Filippo Marinetti, proclaimed:
'WE WANT TO GLORIFY WAR - the world's only hygiene -
MILITARISM, PATRIOTISM, the destructive act of the anarchists,
the beautiful ideas for which one dies, AND CONTEMPT FOR WOMEN!
We want to destroy museums, libraries & academies of all kinds!' For 15 months in Fiume,
D'Annunzio rabble-roused through his experiment in 'beautiful ideas', in contemptuous defiance
of all the world's Great Military Powers! His occupation ended tamely, after the Italian navy bombarded Fiume
in December 1920, forcing D'Annunzio to evacuate the city. But a whole mass movement - Mussolini's Fascism -
carried on where he had left off?!! The poet-imperialist died in 1938, three years after Italy had invaded Ethiopia -
a ferocious assault that he probably applauded. Today, as alienated radicals from all over the world also flock to join
all kinds of very violent, misogynist & sexually transgressive movements, & political cultures everywhere
suffer the onslaught of demagogues, D'Annunzio's secession - moral, intellectual & aesthetic
as well as military - from an evidently irredeemable society
seems a watershed moment in the history of our present:
one of many enlightening conjunctures
that we have forgotten?
"COMPLOTTHEORIEËN", 'zwart-wit ideologieën,
de bedreigende schoffering van alles & iedereen, massale agressieve vernieling & vernietiging
van plant, dier en mens die nu dag in dag uit ons overvallen,
vastpinnen, belagen, bekruipen, inkapselen,
overweldigen, overspoelen &
krankjorum dreigen
te maken'!

25 mei 2017 - bewerkt op 27 mei 2017 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Asih, man, 78 jaar
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